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Wondershare Fantashow 2 0 1

The Rating Scale Breakdown:

  • 0 – 0.5 – Abysmal
  • 1.0 – 1.5 – Terrible
  • 2.0 – 2.5 – Poor
  • 3.0 – 3.5 – Average
  • 4.0 – 4.5 – Great
  • 5.0 – Excellent
Wondershare Fantashow 2 0 1
  • Undetermined – Too soon to tell or lacking evidence to provide a solid answer
  • Not Tested – Has yet to be requested or there is some limitations to prevent accurate test results
  • N/A – Not Available and or Not Applicable to this program

Wondershare Fantashow Full Version - Merupakan software yang berfungsi untuk membuat Slideshow gambar dan video. Wondershare Fantashow memiliki tampilan yang sangat user friendly sehingga sangat mudah untuk di gunakan oleh siapa saja, cukup hanya dengan beberapa klik, anda sudah dapat mengatur dan membuat foto juga video yang anda pilih. 8/10 (52 votes) - Download Fantashow Free. Fantashow transforms simple images and videos into spectacular films that you can show. Download Fantashow and discover an easy to handle software. Fantashow offers the possibility to any user to create fantastic films from domestic photographs.

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V. 4.0BWondershare Fantashow Full Review Template


Price: $49.95

A. Installation Wondershare Fantashow4.0Great” – Pretty fast, without any issues.

B. Un-installing Wondershare Fantashow4.0Great“ – Safe, simple, seemed faster than the installation and removed the program 100% from my system.

Wondershare Fantashow Download


C. Stability Of Program4.0Great” – Only received one lockup, when I was trying to create a HUGE video of around four hours long.


D. Operating Systems Tested on :

D1. Windows XPNot Tested

D2. Windows VistaNot Tested

D3. Windows 7 4.0Great


E. What Wondershare Fantashow Does – 3.5Average” – This program allows users to choose your themes, from what is presented to you. Videopad 7 3700. The default theme is called “Dazzle Light”, and is the only theme available when you start the program. There are other themes to choose from, but you have ot download them from the Wondershare servers, which are only accessible from within this program. Some of the available fifteen themes that are downloadable are: Trip, Birthday, Family Moments, Sport and Valentines Day.

F. Video Editing – 4.0Great” – You’re presented with a Preview Window of your Project (Options are : Play/Stop/Progession Bar/Time Limit/Volume Control/Full Screen) You can add media, like MP4/AVI/FLV/VOB/WMV/MPG video files and BMP/JPG/PNG/GIF image files. You can also add a subtitle box onto the video and type in upto 50 characters that’ll be present throughout the entire video. Video editing is also available, and allows you to crop the video length, flip & rotate the video to different angles as well as the ability to add many effects to the video file like Blur/B&W/Distort and Colour features like Cool/Hot/Warm etc. Another good option is the ability to change the music, and you can choose between the Default Music, which is “Pump the Club” or you can choose your own music from your computer, in any audio format, like MP3/WMA/WAV/OGG/MKA/AAC/M4A.

G. Speed of Saves 4.5Great“ – Extremely fast and definately on par with XiliSoft Video Converter Ultimate 6, and iSkysoft iMedia Converter when it comes to the timeframes of saving your projects to your Computer.

You can also save your video files in a .VOB format, so that you can burn them to a DVD (or you can burn it directly to DVD, via the “DVD” label in Export. In here you can name your new DVD, choose the region that the disc will be burned to (NTSC/North America = 720×480 & PAL/Europe = 720×576). Also here, you can choose if you want to burn the videos you have created to either a DVD5 (Single Layer = 4.36 GB) or DVD9 (Dual Layer = 8.5GB) The best part is that if you don’t want to burn it to a DVD after you’ve set everything else up, then you can still create a DVD but do so on youe computer by creating an Image File (ISO).

Wondershare Fantashow 2 0 13

You also have the ability to directly upload your videos to YouTube while they are being saved to your computer. The thing is that I would advise against using the YouTube upload option, because you have to give the program access to your YouTube Username and Password. Yes that’s right. Password! And that is just asking for trouble.

GG. Types Of Different Save Types Available 3.5Average” – The program does come with the ability to create your projects in four standard formats (MP4/MOV/AVI/WMV) for use on your PC, and you can save them in either HD 1280×720 (720p) or SD 640×360 (360p). You can also save your video projects for use on mobile devices, including iPhones, iPads, HTC’s and Galaxy Phones, but you can only save them in MP4 format, even though you can select either HD 720p or SD 360p.

H.Update Process2.5Poor” – Stupid! The update process from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 forced the system to uninstall the program, download the new version from the Wondershare servers and then install the new program, rather than just do an update process and actually UPDATE the neccessary files.


I. Wondershare Fantashow Support1.0Terrible“- Wondershare Fantashow has no Support options, but the Wondershare Website does have a “Support“ section.

Wondershare Fantashow 2 0 1 Download


My Overall Score: 35/50

70% = B-


My Final Verdict: Wondershare Fantashow is an effective program, but it’s use is limited. If you want to create home movies of say the kids, when you’re out on holiday/vacation, then yes, Wondershare Fantashow is definitely worth your time. Unfortunately, after using this program alot (and I mean ALOT) I couldn’t find any practical use for it outide of family holidays and family obligations, because the end result is not one of the highest professional looking/feeling programs out there. Stick to using it for family use and never use it for professional use. It’s definitely not worth the $49.95 USD price point for A LIFETIME License.


Here are 2 links to download Wondershare Fantashow : Mount cloud storage as local drive mac.

Wondershare Fantashow 2 0 1 12 2

1. http://www.wondershare.com/photo-software/photo-slideshow.html or http://photo.wondershare.com (Wondershare Fantashow for Windows & Mac)



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Till The Next Review,

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Wondershare Fantashow 2 0 1
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